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Add a New Dropdown Menu in OpenWRT LUCI

Reading time: 3 – 5 minutes

OpenWRT, the popular open-source Linux operating system designed for embedded devices, offers the LUCI interface for easy configuration and management. LUCI is essentially the web interface for OpenWRT, and while it’s already feature-rich, sometimes you may want to extend its functionalities based on your needs.

Recently, I had a requirement to enhance my OpenWRT LUCI interface. Specifically, I wanted to introduce a new menu named “Apps” in the LUCI dashboard. The objective was to have each entry within this new menu link to different applications installed on my device. And not just that! I wanted these application pages to pop open in new tabs for ease of access.

The Solution

The changes were made in a single file located at:


Within this file, I implemented the following code:

module("luci.controller.apps", package.seeall)

function index()
    local page

    page = entry({"admin", "apps"}, firstchild(), _("Apps"), 60)
    page.dependent = false

    entry({"admin", "apps", "portainer"}, call("serve_js_redirect", "https", "9443"), _("Portainer"), 10).leaf = true
    entry({"admin", "apps", "nodered"}, call("serve_js_redirect", "http", "1880"), _("NodeRED"), 20).leaf = true
    entry({"admin", "apps", "grafana"}, call("serve_js_redirect", "http", "3000"), _("Grafana"), 30).leaf = true
    entry({"admin", "apps", "prometheus"}, call("serve_js_redirect", "http", "9090"), _("Prometheus"), 40).leaf = true

function serve_js_redirect(protocol, port)
    local ip = luci.http.getenv("SERVER_ADDR")
    local url = protocol .. "://" .. ip .. ":" .. port
    luci.http.prepare_content("text/html; charset=utf-8")
    luci.http.write("<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset='UTF-8'><title>Redirecting...</title></head><body>")
    luci.http.write("<script type='text/javascript'>")
    luci.http.write("window.onload = function() {")
    luci.http.write("  var newWindow = window.open('".. url .."', '_blank');")
    luci.http.write("  if (!newWindow || newWindow.closed || typeof newWindow.closed == 'undefined') {")
    luci.http.write("    document.getElementById('manualLink').style.display = 'block';")
    luci.http.write("    setTimeout(function() { window.location.href = document.referrer; }, 60000);")  -- Redirigir después de 60 segundos
    luci.http.write("  }")
    luci.http.write("<p id='manualLink' style='display: none;'>The window didn't open automatically. <a href='".. url .."' target='_blank'>Click here</a> to open manually.</p>")

Key Points

  • The index function is responsible for defining the new menu and its entries.
  • The serve_js_redirect function creates a web page that uses JavaScript to automatically open the desired application in a new browser tab.
  • A failsafe mechanism is added in the form of a link. If, for any reason (like pop-up blockers), the new tab doesn’t open automatically, the user has the option to manually click on a link to open the application.
  • The script also includes a feature that will redirect the user back to the previous page after 60 seconds if the new tab doesn’t open.

This modification provides a seamless way to integrate external applications directly into the LUCI interface, making navigation and management even more convenient!

Screencast 0x00 – Com funciona el SMTP?

Reading time: 2 – 3 minutes

Tal com vaig comentar en el post del desè aniversari en aquesta temporada intentaré convertir moltes de les publicacions que faig en forma de podcast a un format d’screencast. Per tal de fer això ja fa uns mesos que he estat jugant amb la Wacom Bamboo. De fet, la primera prova que he fet pel podcast és el video que publico en aquest post i que alguns ja heu vist a través de youtube. Es tracta d’un video que parla sobre com funciona el protocol SMTP.

Algunes persones m’han comentat que li troben a faltar musiqueta de fons mentre parlo, de fet, és un tema que tinc molt en compte de fer. Malgrat això la post-producció dels videos que gravo és el que més em molesta de fer així doncs si algú s’anima a col·laborar serà benvingut perquè a mi és la part que menys m’agrada, es nota que per mi el món multimedia és només un mitjà, oi?

Bé doncs, si teniu algún suggeriment d’on treure música creative commons per acompanyar els meus monòlegs aviseu. Ja que fins que no tingui algo clar segurament ho continuaré publicant amb el format que he fet aquest primer pilot. Obviament estic obert a mil altres suggerències, tot i que la tònica serà la de sempre. És a dir, contingut molt tècnic i notes orientades a gent a perfil geek. Potser aquesta primera nota serà la més light ja que només la vaig fer per provar.