socks5 eines i apps: servidors: dante: * * ta guay té coses que no té ss5 però diria que li falten algunes importatns que si q té ss5 * prendre decisió segons necessitats específiques del projecte ss5: features: connect bind udp association identd dns resolution authentication * basic * pass file * generic external auth program * pam * secure user pass auth * kerberos * GSS API * Authentication, Integrity and Encryption message cache * authentication * authorization authorization * group on fs * directory query (LDAP) can convert connect operation from sokcs v5 to vr traffic dump load balancing bandwith profiling (limit BW per user o per IP and can limit connections per user) traffic filtering * http/s * smtp * pop3 * imap4 internet cache protocol (ICP): to fetch http objects from external http proxy (icache) * * RFC2186 v2 protocol spec * RFC2187 v2 apps spec * products q ho soporten: squid, ms proxy, cisco cache engine, etc * alternatives al ICP: CARP, cache digests servers stats via web console central config, can propagate configuration to other remote instanaces using propagate key as security mechanisme module structure hashed ACL clients wrappers/proxifier: * tocks: wrapper de client amb linux, tsocks: * * va molt bé fa temps q no s'actualitza * csock: * wrapper de la gent del ss5, csocks té TCP i UDP. * * connect-proxy [root@mini4 ~]# yum info connect-proxy Available Packages Name : connect-proxy Arch : i586 Version : 1.100 Release : 3.fc11 Size : 35 k Repo : fedora Summary : SSH Proxy command helper URL : connect-proxy is the simple relaying command to make network connection via: SOCKS and https proxy. It is mainly intended to be used as proxy command of OpenSSH. You can make SSH session beyond the firewall with this command. : : Features of connect-proxy are: : : * Supports SOCKS (version 4/4a/5) and https CONNECT method. : * Supports NO-AUTH and USERPASS authentication of SOCKS : * Partially supports telnet proxy (experimental). : * You can input password from tty, ssh-askpass or environment variable. : * Simple and general program independent from OpenSSH. : * You can also relay local socket stream instead of standard I/O. 1.local: connect-proxy -S oriol@ -d -p 3333 2222 nc -vvv 3333 2. through proxy: ss5 w/user-pass auth 3. destí nc -vvvv -k -l -p 2222 * proxychains: * * permet saltar de forma anidada entre proxies