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Send email notifications from supervisord

Reading time: 1 – 2 minutes

There is a package called superlance which listens supervisord events. If you install it with:

pip install superlance

Then it’s very easy to setup supervisord to send emails when a daemon changes the state because of a crash or something else.

Lines to add to supervisord configuration file:

command=/usr/local/bin/crashmail -a -m email1@example.com

if you want to send notifications only for some applications:

command=/usr/local/bin/crashmail -p program1 -p group1:program2 -m email1@example.com

Of course, superlance can listen many different event signals from supervisor and can take different actions like call to HTTP URL or send SMS. I want to recommend you to take look to the package documentation it could be useful to understand all the superlance power.

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