Short MIIMETIQ definition

Reading time: 2 – 3 minutes


Last months in M2M Cloud Factory we have been working on MIIMETIQ. Last weeks I’ve been thinking about how to define MIIMETIQ shortly and this is my definition, please tell if you can understand something. Of course, you have to know we’re focused in Internet of Things and M2M market.

  • MIIMETIQ is an IoT/M2M framework, so this is the first step to setup to develop your vertical solution.
  • Framework: With a well defined architecture a framework is a set of functions ready to create any application. Everything else is open and adaptable.
  • MIIMETIQ architecture is service oriented and it uses AMQP as a message broker to connect the services.
  • MIIMETIQ has several modules, we define a module as a set of services. Basicly MIIMETIQ have 5 modules:
    • Identity Manager: manage users, groups, roles and all kind of entities the project needs and its security.
    • Assets Manager: a data model manager, the integrator creates the business logics and data models here.
    • Distribution System: this is a set of agnostitc connectivity layers to different types of devices.
    • A E N M: several time series and other signals flow through the AMQP, this data are events and using rules those events could be converted in alarms and some alarms have to be notified to proper services, systems or people.
    • Control Panel UI: this is an administration dashboard, in form of a UI to setup and monitor the most common uses of MIIMETIQ.
  • Using those modules usually the integrators create their own user interface to satisfy customer requiremests. In M2MCF we create those UI using ADUX (Advanced Development User Experience).
  • After configuring MIIMETIQ the integrator has 2 customized APIs to connect their code with MIIMETIQ. One of them is an API REST and another one is AMQP.
  • Finally everything inside MIIMETIQ could be customized, because the flexibility is very important when you have an horizontal solution.

1 thought on “Short MIIMETIQ definition”

  1. hehehe… aquí encara no tenies el “docker in mind”… Entenc que el AENM va convertir-se en “Regular Time Series” i que després es va crear el “Rules and Actions” (?). Tampoc em sembla trobar el Flexible DS aquí. No em facis cas, només començo a pre-entendre coses sueltes. El que és un luxe es tenir aquesta info històrica també. 🙂

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