PHP: notes sobre arrays i tres classes (myCurl, barcodes, WSSoapClient)

Reading time: 2 – 3 minutes

A HowtoForge han publicat un howto (local) sobre com funcionen els arrays en PHP que esta molt bé. Realment el que més valoro són les notes sobre les funcions que menys s’acostumen a usar i per tant, les menys documentades o més mal documentades. Tot i que sovint quan les descobreixes ja no pots viure sense elles, funcions de búsqueda, de push, pop, var_dump per depurar, etc.

A més a través de phpClasses he trobat tres classes que els hi he de donar un bon cop d’ull ja que tenen molt bona pinta:

  • MyCurl This class provides an alternative implementation of the cURL extension functions in pure PHP. It automatically detects whether the cURL library is available. If it is not available, it defines several functions with the same names of the cURL extension that use the class to emulate part the original functionality. Currently it implements the functions: curl_init, curl_exec, curl_setopt and curl_close. Several of the most important options can be set with the curl_setopt function.
  • HTML Bar Codes This package can be used to display bar codes using only HTML with CSS styles. It takes a code to represent and generates CSS style definitions and HTML tags to render that code in an HTML page. There are two classes that can render bar codes using the Code39 and Interleave 2 of 5 standards respectively.
  • WSSoapClient This class can add WSSecurity authentication support to SOAP clients implemented with the PHP 5 SOAP extension. It extends the PHP 5 SOAP client support to add the necessary XML tags to the SOAP client requests in order to authenticate on behalf of a given user with a given password. This class was tested with Axis and WSS4J servers.
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