PS2 i Linux???

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Toooooma!!! La sony va a tope i esta preparan la bomba…Linux en una

The Linux (for PlayStation 2) kit is reported to retail for $199 will
include the following:

* Internal hard disk drive for PlayStation 2 (HDD) with 40 GB capacity

* Network Adaptor (Ethernet) (for PlayStation 2) with 100 Base T Ethernet

* Linux Kernel version 2.2.1 (with USB device support)

* Linux (for PlayStation 2)” Version 1.0 software distribution on two

* gcc 2.95.2 and glibc 2.2.2 with VU assemblers

* XFree86 3.3.6 with PlayStation 2 GS support

* Computer monitor adaptor (for PlayStation 2) (with audio connectors)

* USB Keyboard and mouse (for PlayStation 2)

mes info a:

Besitus a tots i totes.

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