Booting Linux from a USB-Pendrive

Reading time: 2 – 2 minutes

Per uns temes que ara no venen a ‘cuento’ avui m’he hagut d mirar com
arrancar el sistema des d’un Pen Drive. No em posaré a explicar-vos
històries rares, però si que ús reporto els links q m’han
ajudat a entendre el tema, en especial el primer és fonamental, sobre
tot la mini-teoria que explica:

To be able to boot from a pendrive the partition that you are booting
from (on the pendrive) needs to be FAT16. Since the bios has no knowledge about
ext[2|3]/ntfs/filesystem-du-jour it MUST be FAT16.

This is not too bad, since you can put the bootdist of (e.g.) Win98SE in
there, which might come in handy when you need to flash your bios (and as an
added bonus, it gives the option to load the cd-drives for MS-DOS, you never
know what that might be useful for).

· Booting Linux from a USB-Pendrive

No és un link q parli directament de com bootar però és
molt útil tot el q hi surt: HOWTO USB Mass
Storage Device and Gentoo

més links de com bootar desde pen-drive: Boot
KNOPPIX from an USB Memory Stick

una versió de pindows totalment funcional q podem llençar des
d’un CD/DVD i tb des d’un pen-drive: Bart’s Preinstalled Environment (BartPE) bootable live windows

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