El projector de video de butxaca

Reading time: 1 – 2 minutes

Això diuen, que podrem portar a la butxaca un projector pel nostre
mòbil, portàtil, etc. la idea del projector no és com la
coneixem ara, però el resultat final si, si voleu saber com

Key to the device’s diminutive size is the lack of lenses and high-power
light bulbs. Conventional digital video projectors form images by generating a
small picture on a transparent microdisplay inside the projector, then shining
a high-power light through the microdisplay to a large magnifying

In the researchers’ design, a two-dimensional hologram is shown on the
microdisplay rather than an image, and the projected image is formed by shining
a laser beam through the microdisplay, which scatters the light into a
particular pattern. “No lenses are required — the projected image is formed
entirely by diffraction,” said Adrian Cable, a researcher at the University of
Cambridge in England.

la noticia sencera l’he trobat a: A Video Projector that Fits in Your

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