LIPS – Linux Phone Standard Forum

Reading time: 1 – 2 minutes


The mission

The Linux Phone Standards Forum (LiPS) will accelerate the adoption of Linux® in fixed, mobile and converged telephony devices by standardising Linux®-based services and APIs that directly influence the development, deployment and interoperability of applications and end user services.

What will LiPS do?

LiPS has been created to bring together key players in the industry to address these challenges. At a general level, the forum will work to foster dialogue and collaboration around Linux telephony for the benefit of all actors. However, the primary focus of LiPS will be to define standards for the aspects of Linux that directly enable the deployment, development and interoperability of applications and end user services.

I això d’on ve?

Doncs aquesta gent eren els nostre veins del davant, al 3GSM, fa dies que tenia la URL apuntada per donar-hi un cop d’ull aprofundir en el que fan i realment jo diria que els ‘copy/paste’, que us he posat de la seva web ho expliquen força bé. Realment una referència a no perdre de vista.

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