Reading time: 2 – 2 minutes

Fa molt temps que buscava alguna cosa així, a més no només ho he trobat sinó que recolzat per grans fabricants: OneNet.
ONE-NET is an open design standard for low power wireless optimized for residential and small business control applications. The ONE-NET wireless standard is specifically optimized for very low power, very low cost and very good security. ONE-NET can be implemented with a variety of off the shelf wireless transceivers and microcontrollers.
The ONE-NET community will publish detailed specifications for the physical and networking protocol, source code examples for microcontrollers, schematic reference designs and links to various suppliers that make relevant components and modules.
Use of the ONE-NET standard is royalty free with simple open source licensing. The ONE-NET logo will be used to identify products tested for interoperability and compliance to the standard. The ONE-NET partners have brought the expertise and technology together for a complete royalty free design that will make for better connected homes for everyone.
The ONE-NET website provides a place for implementors and vendors to exchange information, design ideas and relevant news. Included on this website is a discussion board/forum, a FAQ, sample hardware designs and source code. The sample designs can be freely downloaded and used for any application. Specific product marking is available for products which have passed interoperability testing.