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How to get MP3 file from a WebM video

Reading time: < 1 minute Another title for this post could be: "Getting audio from video clips". Because you could do it with MP4 (Mpeg4), WebM, Mov, FLV, etc. We are going to use ffmpeg to that:

ffmpeg -i input_file.webm -ab 128k -ar 44100 out_file.mp3

The meaning of the parameters:

  • ab: the audio bitrate in bps
  • ar: the audio sample rate in hz

And if you have a directory with a lot of files to convert you could use:

find . -name "*.webm" -print0 |while read -d $'\0' file; do ffmpeg -i "$file" -ab 128k -ar 44100 -y "${file%.webm}.mp3";done

Pay attention to “find” and “while read” commands combinations because we want to support files with spaces.

I hope this is as useful for you as for me.

6 thoughts on “How to get MP3 file from a WebM video

  1. Wow, incredibly simple, yet so powerful. Thank you very much! This is amazing.

  2. May you need a YouTube to MP3 converter, as like AnyMusic.

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