Upgrading Redmine in a nutshell

Reading time: 14 – 23 minutes

I use Redmine to track my personal projects, and every time that I have to update I have to re-read the full upgrading page which is long and full of exceptions. So I decided to write my own reduced cookbook to solve that. FYI I’m using Ubuntu 16.04, Apache2, MySQL and Passenger for running Redmine. 

Being root user run:

backup MySQL database

download new redmine package and unpack in /var/www

change ‘redmine’ soft link to new folder

copy old files and directories overwriting the new ones:<br><pre><code>config/database.yml<br>config/configuration.yml<br>files/<br>plugins/</code></pre><br>
locating work directory on new redmine folder, run:<br><pre>bundle install --without development test<br>bundle exec rake generate_secret_token<br>bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production<br>bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production<br>bundle exec rake tmp:cache:clear tmp:sessions:clear RAILS_ENV=production</pre><br>

restart apache server

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