Author: Oriol Rius

Informe estadístic de les TIC i les PIMEs d’aquest país

Reading time: < 1 minute

De fet el títol ja ho diu tot, ara només falta el link. Ah! i dir-vos que si voleu vendre algo a les PIMEs d’aquest país en concepte de TICs o bé treballeu en una PIME i voleu saber com esteu respecte la mitja us serà molt útil.

Maia Mailguard: GUI d’amavisd-new (PHP+perl)

Reading time: 1 – 2 minutes

A tavés d’un article de la Linux Journald he trobat una eina que em canviarà la vida a nivell del correu brossa, una passada:

The Maia Mailguard project began its life as a simple Web front end for amavisd-new, designed to let users
adjust their content filter settings and manage their quarantines from a convenient interface. The project
proved quite popular with ISPs, Web-mail providers and companies offering off-site content filtering,
however, and the needs of these larger-scale clients soon developed Maia Mailguard into something much more

Maia Mailguard is a complete spam and virus management system, consisting of PHP, SQL and Perl scripts, a
MySQL or PostgreSQL database and, of course, amavisd-new, SpamAssassin and supported virus scanners. Arrays
of content filters can be managed from a single Maia interface, all sharing the same SQL database. Designed
to make content filtering, quarantine management and spam reporting easier, Maia Mailguard is in many ways a
new kind of tool for mail users.

Introducció molt interessant a

Reading time: < 1 minute

M’he trobat un article a a part de fer una introducció típica a què és aquest servei de bookmarking public aprofundeix una mica més en l’us de la seva API de la llibreria libxml2 concretament desde Python. Tot plegat molt interessant almenys sota el meu punt de vista.

Per altre banda us recordo que jo continuo usant SiteBar com a gestor de bookmarks multi-usuari, mutli-plataforma i multi-navegador.

Ja ens comencen a taladrar amb les històries de duro sobre la 3G

Reading time: 2 – 3 minutes


Llegeixo a AECOMO que en motiu del SIMO Vodafone ja ens està venent els miracles de la 3G, segur q la T també té les seves històries sobre el tema, però de moment no n’estic tan al corrent, tot arribarà si és que no ha arribat i se m’ha passat per alt:

Vodafone live! con 3G lanza el servicio de descarga y escucha de música en el móvil. Un catálogo con más de 2.500 canciones completas con calidad MP3 de los artistas nacionales e internacionales más conocidos con todos los éxitos del momento. Televisión en directo con CNN+: Últimas noticias y toda la programación de esta cadena. Vodafone live! con 3G también ofrece los mejores contenidos de la TV. Series como “Aquí no hay quien viva” o “El Inquilino”; programas como “Los Guiñoles” u “Homo Zapping”; videoclips musicales, trailers de películas o los goles y resúmenes de partidos de La Liga, La Copa y la Champions League; son algunos de los contenidos disponibles.

Vodafone España anuncia hoy como parte del lanzamiento de Vodafone live! con la tecnología 3G el servicio de descarga y escucha de música con calidad MP3 y el servicio de televisión en el móvil. Para ofrecer estos servicios, Vodafone ha firmado acuerdos con Sogecable, Antena 3, TVE, Europa Press, El Mundo, Marca, Disney Mobile, MTV, Sony Pictures Mobile Entertainment, Universal Studios, Warner Bros. Pictures, entre otras empresas. La compañía también ha trabajado con importantes discográficas como Sony BMG, Music Entertainment, Warner Music y EMI y el resultado ha sido la disponibilidad de un catálogo con más de 2.500 canciones completas de algunos de los artistas más conocidos del panorama nacional e internacional como Chayanne, Durán Durán, Teenage Fanclub, Guaraná, La Oreja de Van Gogh, Beyoncé, Destiny’s Child, etc.

Si voleu més info del tema: Ya es posible ver la televisión y descargar música con calidad MP3 en el móvil con Vodafone Live! 3G.

LUFS: ex ftpfs, sshfs, etc

Reading time: 2 – 4 minutes

is enabling you to mount into your file hierarchy a remote computer’s file
system, which is accessible by various means (ftp, ssh, etc.). Then, the access
to the remote files will be completely network transparent. In other words,
you’ll be able to read/modify remote files as if they were local, watch
movies/listen to MP3s from FTP/SSH/Gnutella servers without copying them

The reason for the
userspace stuff: there are operations only suited for userspace
(cryptography for example) and implementing them in kernel would be

The reason for the kernel
stuff: I think it’s important to keep the file system access point at
the lowest level in order to allow all the applications to use it.
Consider KDE: it implements its own virtual file system, a great one,
but only KDE applications can take advantage of it. So does GNOME, MC
and others. Suddenly we have lots of overlapping userspace file
system implementations, a real waste…

Communication between the
kernel module and the daemon is done through UNIX domain sockets.
This makes LUFS best suited for networked file systems, where this
indirection overhead (userspace <-> kernel <-> userspace)
is small compared to the speed penalty due to the network itself.

LUFS can be regarded as
doing the same job as the VFS (virtual file system switch) in the
kernel: it is a switch, distributing the file system calls to its
supported file systems. With a big difference: LUFS file systems are
implemented in userspace. This would be a drawback for local file
systems where the access speed is important, but proves to be a huge
advantage for networked file systems where the userland
flexibility is most important.

This flexibility allowed
for implementation of SSHFS for example, in a pretty straightforward
manner, using the already existing openssh
infrastructure. Lots of other “exotic” file systems are in the
planning phase: socketfs, httpfs, webdavfs, freenetfs, etc. Just
imagine mounting a freenet file system and accessing all the goodies
as they were local…

WEB-DAV Linux File System(davfs2)

Reading time: 1 – 2 minutes

Davfs2 is a Linux file system driver that allows you to mount a WebDAV server as a local disk drive. Davfs2 uses Coda for kernel driver and neon for WebDAV interface. To get informaton about Davfs1, visit this page.

WebDAV is an extension to HTTP that allows remote collaborative authoring of Web resources, defined in RFC

Davfs allows a remote Web server to be edited using standard applications that interact with the file system. For example, a remote Web site could be updated in-place using the same development tools that initially created the site.

UPDATE 2018/5/7Some outdated information in this post, please take a look on this webdav guide, it seems much better than my old post.

liferea: Lector de feeds per GNOME

Reading time: < 1 minute

Potser la característica més important de liferea és que suporta el mode offline, o sigui, que podem sindicar-nos on ens interessi i llegir els feeds sense connexió a internet des del tren. Suposo que ja sabeu perquè he trobat interessant aquest software. Tot i que de moment no he decidit abandonar el Bloglines si que hi ha algunes coses que em fan pujar la mosca a l’orella i si durant aquests propers dies les confirmo podria ser que acabes migrant a aquest lector de feeds que pel que he pogut probar avui no té gens de mala pinta malgrat encara esta una mica lluny de la seva versió estable.

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