Reading time: 2 – 2 minutes

GTalk2VoIP és un servei que permet connectar la nostre compte de Gtalk o de MSN a les xarxes PSTN, per fer i rebre trucades de VoIP, a telèfons fixes i mòbils convencionals.
Serveis disponibles:
- Outgoing calls from Google Talk or Windows Live Messenger to any telephone number (PSTN) around the world in a very cheap manner.
- Incoming calls from PSTN to Google Talk or Windows Live Messenger users (phone number lease service).
- Free voice mail service for Google Talk or Windows Live Messenger users.
- Free voice conference chat service for Google Talk or Windows Live Messenger users.
- Ranking (by voting and real-time ASR monitoring) of VoIP service providers used for your calls routing.
- Free off-line messaging for Google Talk users.
- Call from the Web service allows you to receive phone calls from your potencial customers right from your web site.
- Free outgoing calls to SIP phones.
- Free incoming calls from SIP phones.
- Free access to Google Talk and Windows Live Messenger from PSTN via SIPBroker (large number of PSTN gateway phone numbers).
El millor és que no hem d’instal·lar cap programa nou ni res de res, realment interessant sobretot per usar-ho des del nokia 770, tot i que encara no ho he fet però ja me’n moro de ganes de provar-ho.