Avoid Filling Your System with Docker Logs: A Quick Guide

Reading time: 7 – 12 minutes

If you’re using Docker, you might have noticed that over time, logs can accumulate and take up a significant amount of space on your system. This can be a concern, especially if you’re running containers that generate a lot of log data.

To help you avoid this issue, I’m sharing a quick configuration tweak for Docker. By adjusting the daemon.json file, you can limit the size and number of log files Docker retains.

Here’s the configuration:

  "log-driver": "json-file",
  "log-opts": {
    "max-size": "10m",
    "max-file": "1"

What does this configuration do?

  • “log-driver”: “json-file”: This ensures Docker uses the default json-file logging driver, which writes log messages in JSON format.
  • “log-opts”: {…}: This section contains the logging options.
    • “max-size”: “10m”: Limits the maximum size of each log file to 10MB.
    • “max-file”: “1”: Restricts Docker to retain only one log file.

By implementing this configuration, you ensure that Docker only keeps a single log file with a maximum size of 10MB. Once the log reaches this size, Docker will rotate it, ensuring that old logs don’t eat up your storage.

To apply this configuration, simply add the above JSON to your daemon.json file, typically located at /etc/docker/daemon.json on Linux systems. After making the change, restart the Docker service.

I hope this tip helps you manage your Docker logs more efficiently. Happy containerizing! ?

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