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Category: Domotics, Electronics and DIY projects

Firmware of my home heaters (Panstamp = Arduino + TI C1101)

Reading time: < 1 minute Clicking the next link you can get my github repository with the firmware of my home heaters. The code is very simple but useful as we tested last winter at home.

I know all the public documentation is not enough to duplicate my heating project. I’m so sorry but I have a lot of pending home projects to do because I have a lot of under construction things. If you need some help to understand what I have or how to do something feel free to ask.


Conferència: La revolució dels mini-PC: Raspberry PI, Arduino i més

Reading time: 1 – 2 minutes

Ahir al vespre vaig fer una conferència a la FIB (Facultat d’Informàtica de Barcelona) dins de la UPC (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya). En aquesta xerra vaig estar explicant què és i en que es diferència Arduino i Raspberry PI. A més de presentar tot un conjunt de solucions alternatives i experiències en el tema.

En aquest enllaç podeu trobar les transparències de:  La revolució dels mini-PC: Raspberry PI, Arduino i més. i el video el teniu disponible al servidor de la FIB.

Ara també teniu disponible el video a youtube:

i podeu veure les transparències des d’aquest mateix post:

Espero els vostres feedbacks als comentaris, desitjo que ús sigui útil.

Home heating using Panstamp (Arduino + TI C1101) and SSR

Reading time: 3 – 5 minutes

Last weekend I worked on setting up home heaters using Panstamp. Panstamp is an Arduino board with Texas Instruments radio. Next winter we’re going to control our home heater using connected internet devices like the laptop, tablet o mobile phones. In this post I only want to share some pictures about the process to install the electronics inside the heaters changing the old electronic boards with new custom ones.

The parts:

  • AC/DC transformer, outputs 5V. It’s really cheap, in this case free because I have more than 20 of them from old projects.


  • A small custom PCB designed and made by Daniel Berenguer, the owner of Panstamp. Thanks again Daniel. I bought the PCBs and parts for around 10€ each one.


  • TMP36 temperature sensor. It costs about 1,5€ each one.


  • Solid state relay (SSR) bought in Alied Express web site for less than 5€.


The process:

I used a lot of tools, because DIY aren’t my strong hability.


Double-head tape and hot-blue gun are need…


because I want to use a cork base under the PSU and PCB

IMG_20130921_133723Parallelization of the last process
IMG_20130921_143116Using a cutter I got the units
IMG_20130921_143434SSR setup
IMG_20130921_164651connecting SSR, PCB and PSU
IMG_20130921_170711assembling everything on heater side panel
IMG_20130921_173937finally, mounting side panel on the heater

Next weeks, I’ll come back with this subject to talk about the software part.

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