Category: Networking and Internet

OpenVPN between pfSense and Mikrotik

Reading time: 3 – 5 minutes

vpn-pfsense-mikrotik-schemaAssuming previous scenario I’m going to describe the required configurations on pfSense and Mikrotik. Certifcate creation is not part of the scope of this document, if you are not familiar about how to do that it’s a good idea to use the pfSense certificate manager to do it. My last advice is take care with certificates 90% of problems that I found in my life when I was working on VPNs are because of that. Take your time to check it before spend your time playing with other configurations.

In that scenario pfSense will play the role of the VPN server and Mikrotik will be the client, so I’m going to start describing pfSense configurations.

Create OpenVPN server on proper section:



Important things to take in account when you set up the parameters are socket has to be a TCP socket in my case I decided to use port 1201:

pfsense-openvpn-server-configNext settings on the same place are about local network and tunnel IP addresses, this is required to create proper routing rules on the server and the client.



Last part to configure on this sections is extremly simple, only take care to unmark everything and check “address pool” setting.



Remember to open that port on Firewall rules.



A VPN user is required to authenticate the process, just go to “User Management” inside the “System” menu:



pfSense is configured, now it’s time to set-up the OpenVPN client on Mikrotik using Winbox. Remember to import the certificates:



Click on “PPP” this on the left menu:



Add an OVPN Client connection using the “+” button, the parameters for that connection are:



Another required thing to define on “PPP” is the profile, click on the tab “Profile” and using the button with symbol “+” create a new profile like that:



Everything is ready, now it’s time to check if the connection is OK. First go to the OVPN client on Mikrotik, remember this is on “PPP” menu option and inside tab “Interfaces”. Clicking on the interface you’ll see the status details. If it’s disconnect going to pfSense or Mikrotik logs you can see the negotiation details.

Remember usually the problem is with your certificates, but first of all you have to ensure that the negotiation tries to start.

Enjoy it and good luck.


Sniffing on Mikrotik and streaming in real-time to Wireshark

Reading time: 2 – 2 minutes

When you have a Mikrotik in any point of your network and you want to launch a sniffer for debugging or troubleshooting, a part from original RouterOS tools, you can stream captured traffic in real-time to Wireshark and inspect packets there.

The idea is exactly the same like I explained on the entry: Sniffing traffic in a Linux box and streaming in real-time to Wireshark on Windows.

Mikrotik configuration using the web interface is like that:


We assume is the IP address of the Wireshark box, ensure that you don’t block UDP traffic on port 37008 because the stream from Mikrotik uses that target port. And define your own filters.

About Wireshark configuration is really simple, just set up the filter to allow only traffic from sniffing stream and select the network interface where traffic comes.


Previous captures allow us to debug DNS queries to Google DNS service, this is the result when you click to the icon marked with a red circle on previous screen capture.


Mikrotik as a PPTP server for Android

Reading time: 4 – 6 minutes

Two years ago I installed a Mikrotik Cloud Switch and lately I stoped my pfSense and I started using that switch as my network router, firewall and also as a switch. RouterOS is really powerful and allows to do a lot of things with that hardware. One of those things is set-up a VPN server based on PPTP. This is not the most secure way to create VPNs but usually the only requirement is a little bit of security on top of an IP over IP service that allows us to use local service when we’re in remote. In my case I have a lot of services in my LAN and I need some of them when I’m out of home specially I need to use them from my mobile phone.

Next steps describe how I set-up a PPTP server on my Mikrotik server allowing my Android 6 device (Huawei Mate 8) to connect to my home services through the VPN. Bellow you have a simple schema representing the schenario of the solution:


I’m only going to describe steps from the web console, of course, all those steps can be done using Winbox or the command line. To be honest I’m not used to RouterOS CLI but I think it’s not difficult to figure out the CLI commands to get the same result.

First step is set-up a pool of IP addresses to be assigned to the tunnel endpoints.



Thanks to an ARP proxy those IP addresses will be available like local IPs, this is transparent for the VPN configuration.


configuration of connection profile is done inside “Profiles” tab:


first of all create a new profile called “default-encription”:


and another profile called “pptp-profile”:


“Secrets” tab is where you have to manage users, in my case only two users are created:


configuration details about my user are:


Inside PPP menu there is a button with a label “PPTP server” click there…


… and copy next settings:


Don’t forget to check that your PPTP port is accessible from your public IP address. Remember it’s 1723/TCP.

Android configuration is simple, first of all go to “settings” icon. Look for a “More” section bellow network options, and you’ll find VPN managment. Add a new connection, define a name, the type and the IP address and leave the rest by default. After that when you come back to VPN list you’ll find your new VPN in the list, click there and just set-up your PPTP credentials.


If you have some trouble the only thing that you can do is go to Mikrotik logs or start sniffing to figure out where is the problem. I had to do some tests before it was working but in the end everything was so simple like I explained here.

Good luck and enjoy it.

Thanks to next blog entries to inspire me:



Protecting your email with MXGuarddog

Reading time: 2 – 2 minutes

mxguarddogAfter using VMWare ESXi for a long time as a Hypervisor for my virtual servers I decided to stop paying OVH for that service and I migrated my virtual machines to VPS servers on OVH. At the end of the day only two VPS with a cost of 3€/month are enough and I can stop a 50€/month dedicated server.

The biggest challenge that I had to solve was migrate mail server to a new server. So far today I was using pfSense a firewall for my virtual servers. They were in a virtual network; pfSense anti-spam services and mail forwarding were enough to receive “cleaned” mail in my private mail server with Postfix and Dovecot.

New configuration is just a cheap VPS (1xCPU+2GB RAM+10GB SSD) with Ubuntu 16.04 and also with Postfix and Dovecot. But I decided to rent the anti-spam, anti-malware and anti-virus service to MX Guarddog. I discovered that service just surfing on the big G. Only 0.25 cents per account per month it’s a very good price and it does all the things that I need and much more. Configuration is really simple if you know what you are doing. They have a very good and simple control panel to manage the service. This is the perfect service to get what I need.

In the control panel you can do all that you need, manage mail accounts and domains. View quarantined mails and all required configurations and tests to validate everything is ready and also maintain white and black lists. We’ll see during next days if the service gets the quality that I expect, I hope I have found a very good and cheap resource.

Sniffing traffic in a Linux box and streaming in real-time to Wireshark on Windows

Reading time: 4 – 6 minutes

Sniffing and inspect complex protocols on “tcpdump” is usually painful. Of course, “tcpflow” is a very useful tool but is not always enough to sniff in a console. Wireshark is always a better option when it’s time to debug and troubleshooting communication problems.

But it’s not always easy to plug a Network TAP where you want to sniff. If at that point we have a Linux box with “ssh” and “tcpdump”. An interesting option is stream sniffed traffic to another box with Wireshark and dissect packet octets in their layers, fields, etc.

When Wireshark box is based on Windows you need “plink.exe“, and you can do thinks like that:

plink.exe -ssh -pw LINUX_BOX_PASSWORD root@LINUX_BOX_IP "tcpdump -n -i INTERFACE_TO_SNIFF -s 0 -w - not port 22" | "%PATH_TO_WIRESHARK\Wireshark.exe" -k -i -

Next you have a screenshot with a real life example of that:


Small recap of web shell applications

Reading time: 2 – 2 minutes

Lately I found some useful web applications that publish a terminal application. This is very useful when you are traveling or you have a remote server which you want to maintain or access from anywhere. Also another interesting use of this kind of applications is as a terminal for embedded devices.

I tried to use them as my default applications but all of them have the same problem: keyboard shortcuts conflict with the browser. I’m very used to use a lot of shortcuts to manage my terminal application and remote shell and this is a problem because most of the shortcuts are redefined by your browser. May be it’s possible to disable browser shortcuts when you are using this kind of web applications but I didn’t find how.

I hope this small list is as much useful for you as it is for me:

  • Wetty = Web + tty (the best one IMHO)





Secure download URLs with expiration time

Reading time: 23 – 38 minutes


Imagine a HTTP server with those restrictions:

  • only specific files can be downloaded
  • with a limited time (expiration date)
  • an ID allows to trace who download files
  • with minimal maintenance and dependencies (no databases, or things like that)

the base of the solution that I designed is the URL format:

  • signature: is calculated with the next formula, given a “seed”
    • seed = “This is just a random text.”
    • str = customer_id + expire_date + path_n_file
    • signature = encode_base64( hmac_sha1( seed, str))
  • customer_id: just an arbitrary identifier when you want to distinguish who use the URL
  • expire_date: when the generated URL stops working
  • path_n_file: relative path in your private repository and the file to share

Understanding the ideas explained before I think it’s enough to understand what is the goal of the solution. I developed the solution using NGINX and LUA. But the NGINX version used is not the default version is a very patched version called Openresty. This version is specially famous because some important Chinese webs works with that, for instance,

Expiration URL solution Architecture schema

In the above schema there is a master who wants to share a file which is in the internal private repository, but the file has a time restriction and the URL is only for that customer. Then using the command line admin creates a unique URL with desired constrains (expiration date, customer to share and file to share). Next step is send the URL to the customer’s user. When the URL is requested NGINX server evaluates the URL and returns desired file only if the user has a valid URL. It means the URL is not expired, the file already exists, the customer identification is valid and the signature is not modified.

NGINX Configuration

server {
 server_name downloads.local;

 location ~ ^/(?<signature>[^/]+)/(?<customer_id>[^/]+)/(?<expire_date>[^/]+)/(?<path_n_file>.*)$ {
 content_by_lua_file "lua/get_file.lua";

 location / {
 return 403;

This is the server part of the NGINX configuration file, the rest of the file can as you want. Understanding this file is really simple, because the “server_name” works as always. Then only locations command are relevant. First “location” is just a regular expression which identifies the relevant variables of the URL and passes them to the LUA script. All other URLs that doesn’t match with the URI pattern fall in path “/” and the response is always “Forbiden” (HTTP 403 code). Then magics happen all in LUA code.

LUA scripts

There are some LUA files required:

  • create_secure_link.lua: creates secure URLs
  • get_file.lua: evaluates URLs and serves content of the required file
  • lib.lua: module developed to reuse code between other lua files
  • sha1.lua: SHA-1 secure hash computation, and HMAC-SHA1 signature computation in Lua (get from

It’s required to configure “lib.lua” file, at the beginning of the file are three variables to set up:

lib.secret = "This is just a long string to set a seed"
lib.base_url = "http://downloads.local/"
lib.base_dir = "/tmp/downloads/"

Create secure URLs is really simple, take look of the command parameters:

$ ./create_secure_link.lua 

 ./create_secure_link.lua <customer_id> <expiration_date> <relative_path/filename>

Create URLs with expiration date.

 customer_id: any string identifying the customer who wants the URL
 expiration_date: when URL has to expire, format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM
 relative_path/filename: relative path to file to transfer, base path is: /tmp/downloads/

Run example:

$ mkdir -p /tmp/downloads/dir1
$ echo hello > /tmp/downloads/dir1/example1.txt
$ ./create_secure_link.lua acme 2015-08-15T20:30 dir1/example1.txt
$ date
Wed Aug 12 20:27:14 CEST 2015
$ curl http://downloads.local:55080/YjZhNDAzZDY0/acme/2015-08-15T20:30/dir1/example1.txt
$ date
Wed Aug 12 20:31:40 CEST 2015
$ curl http://downloads.local:55080/YjZhNDAzZDY0/acme/2015-08-15T20:30/dir1/example1.txt
Link expired

Little video demostration


Disclaimer and gratefulness

Conferència Summer Camp Garrotxa 2015: SmartHome usant Arduino, Raspberry PI i més

Reading time: 1 – 2 minutes

Aquest cap de setmana vaig tornar a donar la meva conferència sobre “SmartHome” en aquesta ocasió vaig introduïr la novetat del sistema de feedback basat en “Tasker + Auto-notification”, a més de l’execusió de tasques basades en “crontab”. També he inclòs un petit avanç sobre el nou projecte en el que estic treballant per tal d’integrar les dades del descalcificador dins del OpenHAB usant una webcam i OpenCV per processar les imatges optingudes.

Agraïr al Xavi, Gerardo i la Laura per haver-me donat aquesta oportunitat. Tant el SCG15 com el SAX2015 són events molt familiars a més l’entorn és espectacular. Tot un descobriment del que malgrat tenir referències no havia pogut disfrutar en primera persona.


Free dynamic DNS service

Reading time: < 1 minute A long time ago there were several free dynamic DNS services but nowadays it's difficult to find one of them. And when you find the service usually you have some important restrictions like: number of updates per day or only few subdomains per account. But in the end I found a good free service of that, it's part of the project and is called: Qui; you only need a account to use the service and it’s really simple and clear. From my part the compatibility with “ddclient” and the “mikrotik” script are really useful and I want tu highlight this functionality.

Conferència: SmartHome usant Arduino, Raspberry PI i més

Reading time: 1 – 2 minutes

El dia 12 de febrer al vespre vaig fer una conferència a la FIB (Facultat d’Informàtica de Barcelona) dins de la UPC (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya). En aquesta xerra vaig estar explicant com vaig convertint en realitat un somni que vaig tenir quan era petit, estic parlant de domotitzar la casa. Gràcies a enginys com l’Arduino i la Raspberry PI a més d’aplicacions com l’OpenHab podem fer assequible allò que si anem a grans marques comercials es fa caríssim pel meu pressupost.

En aquest enllaç podeu trobar les transparències de:  SmartHome usant Arduino Raspberry i més i el video el teniu disponible al servidor de la FIB.

Ara també teniu disponible el video a youtube:

i podeu veure les transparències des d’aquest mateix post:

Espero els vostres feedbacks als comentaris, desitjo que ús sigui útil.

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