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Després del podcasting ja tenim aquí el Appcasting

Reading time: 2 – 2 minutes


Últimament els ‘bloggeros’ no es paren d’inventar cosetes noves, avui tot navegant pel meu bloglines m’he trovat un nou concepte el appcasting:

Appcasting is the practice of using the ‘enclosure’ feature of RSS 2.0 feeds to deliver updates and release notes for new software applications. The name Appcasting is by analogy with Podcasting, which is the practice of delivering audio files as RSS 2.0 enclosures.

The idea is this: the developer publishes an RSS 2.0 feed, each item of which describes a new release of a particular software product. The items’ descriptions may contain release notes or other information about what’s new in this release.

quan la gent encara no té clar què és el podcasting, ala més coses.

Think how a desktop aggregator works. You subscribe to a set of feeds, and then can easily view the new stuff from all of the feeds together, or each feed separately.

Podcasting works the same way, with one exception. Instead of reading the new content on a computer screen, you listen to the new content on an iPod or iPod-like device.

Think of your iPod as having a set of subscriptions that are checked regularly for updates. Today there are a limited number of programs available this way. The format used is RSS 2.0 with enclosures.

En Diego també va parlar sobre el podcasting, si voleu la seva versió sobre el tema la podeu trobar a minid.

Si aneu molt perduts en tot aquest tema dels blogs, sindicacions i d’altres, podeu donar un cop d’ull a l’article que vaig escriure sobre el tema: ¿Què és RSS, sindicar, weblog, bitacora, etc?.

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