

Really useful command of ssh package to add public key of your user account to a remote SSH server and then access there with passwordless authentication method.

ssh-copy-id [-i [identity_file]] [user@]machine

In the past I wrote a simple cookbook to explain this process but now this is as simple as possible. Don’t forget ssh-copy-id is the most easy way to add your ssh public key in remote servers.

AMQP and RabbitMQ [TOC]

After reading the book ‘RabbitMQ in action‘ I’m working on series of posts  that will include the following subjects:

  1. What is AMQP? and the architecure
  2. Deep inside AMQP
  3. RabbitMQ CLI quick reference
  4. Hello World using ‘kombu’ library and python
  5. Parallel programming
  6. Events example
  7. RPC
  8. Clustering fundamentals
  9. Managing RabbitMQ from administration web interface
  10. Managing RabbitMQ from REST API

Please let me know if you are interested in this series of posts. Because in my opinion this is very interesting and it always comes in handy to know if someone has been working on those subjects.

Getting help to configure spamassassin.conf

Configure spamassassin is never easy to do. But when you look for information in Google usually you will be mad . The most common help method in linux is use ‘man command’ but it doesn’t work or information is not enough usually.

After a lucky search I found this command to get an extended information about how to configure spamassassin.conf file.

perldoc Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf

WordPress plugin: permalink editor

When your are using custom permalinks for posts in wordpress you can have problems to use permalinks in wordpress pages; because rewrite rules can’t work properly for both: posts and pages.

In my case permalink editor plugin has been the definitive solution.

Next you can see new permalink configuration form in wordpress after installing permalink editor:

UPDATE 2017-08-07, interesting alternative ultimate guide to blog readability.

Nova imatge

Aquest cap de setmana he invertit algunes hores en començar el que serà el nou blog, de moment l’estructura de pestanyes és la mateixa que l’antic blog però l’aspecte ja ha canviat moltíssim. Així doncs, en base a aquest nou aspecte començaré a construir la nova estructura de categories que anava comentant en els últims articles.

Desitjo que us agradi.

My passion and profession

Nowadays my focus on technologies will be categorized as follows, to be more descriptive inside every category I have added some keywords to describe contents:

  • System administration, Databases, Messaging and Security
    • Keywords: Linux, Ubuntu, Fedora, RedHat, CentOS, Unix, Windows, Mac, MySQL, Oracle, CouchDB, Redis, MongoDB, SQL, NoSQL, LDAP, SSO, Kerberos, Servers, Embedded, EC2, S3, SES, RabbitMQ, ZeroMQ, and much more
  • Networking and Internet
    • Keywords: Postfix, SASL, Cyrus POP/IMAP, Courier POP/IMAP, PureFTP, ProFTP, Apache, Nginx, Cloud, etc.
  • Multimedia, Gadgets, Mobile phones and Tablets
    • Keywords: Android SDK, Android NDK, PhoneGAP, Sencha Touch,
  • Domotics, Electronics and DIY projects
    • Keywords: Arduino, My CPD, Atennas, etc.
  • Development, Models and Methodologies
    • Keywords: Python, Twisted, C, C++, Java, Erlang, OTP, JavaScript, PHP, Bash/Shell, Sencha Designer, ExtJS, jQuery, and much more
  • BPM, ERP, CRM and other office applications
    • Keywords: Bonita Open Solutions, Mule ESB, Jasper Reports

My new posts will be in english as you can read in this post because I want more interactivity with readers from the start of the blog I have a very low rate of comments. I think this is because my technical posts are too much specific and then when somebody has some problems doesn’t speak catalan and cannot leave a comment asking their doubts.

In my humble opinion this new chapter of technical blog can arrive to more people because the language of technical community around the world is english. In the other hand every day I need to have more practice writing and talking english in my work because national market is dead and we need to expand our project around the world. So this effort to write technical posts in english will be like english practices for me.

Every new post will have a disclaimer at the begining of the post for my errors writing english and if you can help me to improve my english, please, leave comments fixing my errors.

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