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Tag: hard-disk

HDD regenerator

Reading time: 1 – 2 minutes

Estic intentant recuperar el disc dur del portàtil amb aquesta eina: HDD regenerator de la qual m’han passat molt bons informes, tot i que de moment porta un dia sencer intentant recuperar el disc això si segons la línia de progés va avançant i recuperant. A veure si hi ha sort.


Llistat de funcionalitats del software:

  • Ability to detect physical bad sectors on a hard disk drive surface.
  • Ability to repair physical bad sectors (magnetic errors) on a hard disk surface.
  • The product ignores file system, scans disk at physical level. It can be used with FAT, NTFS or any other file system, and also with unformatted or unpartitioned disks.
  • Bootable regenerating diskette allows starting regenerating process under DOS automatically.
  • Bootable regenerating CD can be created from the program and used to automatically start regenerating process.