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Versió en anglès

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Fa temps vaig escriure un article titulat:

Xarxa Wifi Segura: freeRadius + WRT54G = 802.1x (WPA-radius EAP/TLS)

i vaig començar a observar que després de que google l’indexes no paraben d’arribar un munt de visites a l’article, concretament des de gener fins ara n’ha tingut més de 2000. Així doncs li vaig demanar al Carles que me’l traduís a l’anglès ja que entenia que la majoria d’aquestes visites ni idea de català així doncs, com podeu veure acabo de penjar la versió en anglès del mateix, gentilesa del carles. GRÀCIES NANO!!!

Secure wi-fi Net : freeRadius + WRT54G = 802.1x (WPA-radius EAP/TLS)

2 thoughts on “Versió en anglès”

  1. Hi Oriol,

    just wanted you to know that your blog here helped me tremendously! Especially the certs.tar.gz and your comments on that finally did shed a light on these rather confusing matters with my WRT54G v5 (Firmware 1.00.2) and FreeRadius v1.1.1 under Suse 9.1, in conjunction with the WiFi-Profile Wizard deliverd by Palm (to create profile *.pdb files that contain those certificates generated by your script, to be installed on the Palm).

    I just recently purchased a Palm T|X and wanted to do WiFi-syncing and of course accessing the Web more securely than the average user, so I have purchased the ESU ("Enterprise Security Upgrade") from Palm, so that I could do WPA2 Enterprise using TLS.

    I have finally managed to get it all up & running thanks to your help, and would like to say a big thank you !

    Have a great day,

    Kind Regards,


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