Ext. Attributes and ACLs for Linux

Reading time: 1 – 2 minutes

Projecte no massa evolucionat, però la idea no esta malament.
És més en alguns casos pot ser molt útil i
Pq serveix doncs res, simplement és una evolució al sistema de
permisos estàndarde del nostre Linux.

Access Control Lists support fine-grained per-user or per-group permissions
for files and directories. POSIX-like Access Control Lists are now part of many
commercial UNIX systems. With the patches available here, the same level of
flexibility is available for Linux. The code found here implements POSIX
1003.1e Draft Standard 17 Access Control Lists.

Extended Attributes are arbitrary name/value pairs that are associated with
files or directories. They can be used to store system objects (e.g.,
Capabilities of executables, Access Control Lists) and user objects (e.g., the
character set or mime type of a file). Access Control Lists are implemented as
extended system attributes.

3 thoughts on “Ext. Attributes and ACLs for Linux”

  1. Bueno no se si lo sabeis, pero esto ya existe en Solaris hace mucho…
    tiempo..y por lo q he leido esta bastante bien y permite definir muy bien quie
    y a q fichero puede acceder a un fichero concreto.. a ver q tal va en linux

  2. These patches allow an administrator to delegate privilege for some protected
    network resources to non-root users. They are generally used to run untrusted
    or insecure applications as an unprivileged process, thereby mitigating some
    undiscovered denial of service or root compromise.

    The ACLs currently cover protected ports, raw sockets, and packet


  3. Linux 2.x port/socket pseudo ACLs ja suporta el kernel 2.4.x q fins ara
    només suportava 2.2.x, ús remeto a la URL q hi ha a l’anterior

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