Reading time: 3 – 5 minutes
Avui a la classe de Projectes ens ha vingut una empresa q es diu Unitronic a
fer una xerrada, a part de la típica propaganda ens han parlat d’un
protocol d’enrutament multinivell molt usat per les operadores actualment. Fa
temps q havia sentit a parlar d’ell, però mai m’havia mirat de q
Doncs bé, després d’aquesta breu introducció m’ha picat
la curiositat investigar una mica més sobre el MPLS, així doncs
he trobat una bona i curta definició del mateix:
Multiprotocol label switching (MPLS) is a versatile solution to address the
problems faced by present-day networks-speed, scalability, quality-of-service
(QoS) management, and traffic engineering. MPLS has emerged as an elegant
solution to meet the bandwidth-management and service requirements for
next-generation Internet protocol (IP)-based backbone networks. MPLS addresses
issues related to scalability and routing (based on QoS and service quality
metrics) and can exist over existing asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) and
frame-relay networks.
Aquesta definició l’he trobat a les transparències de MPLS de la
www.iec.org, exactament a la URL:
Finalment he mirat el tema RFCs sobre les MPLS i he trobat:
This document describes a method by which a Service Provider with an
IP backbone may provide VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) for its
customers. MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching) is used for
forwarding packets over the backbone, and BGP (Border Gateway
Protocol) is used for distributing routes over the backbone. The
primary goal of this method is to support the outsourcing of IP
backbone services for enterprise networks. It does so in a manner
which is simple for the enterprise, while still scalable and flexible
for the Service Provider, and while allowing the Service Provider to
add value. These techniques can also be used to provide a VPN which
itself provides IP service to customers.
RFC2702: Requirements for Traffic Engineering Over MPLS
This document presents a set of requirements for Traffic Engineering
over Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS). It identifies the
functional capabilities required to implement policies that
facilitate efficient and reliable network operations in an MPLS
domain. These capabilities can be used to optimize the utilization of
network resources and to enhance traffic oriented performance
RFC2917: A Core MPLS IP VPN Architecture
This memo presents an approach for building core Virtual Private
Network (VPN) services in a service provider’s MPLS backbone. This
approach uses Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) running in the
backbone to provide premium services in addition to best effort
services. The central vision is for the service provider to provide a
virtual router service to their customers. The keystones of this
architecture are ease of configuration, user security, network
security, dynamic neighbor discovery, scaling and the use of existing
routing protocols as they exist today without any modifications.
Segur q hi ha molts més RFCs i documentació sobre el tema,
però degut a q la xarxa del pis esta en remodelació ja q tinc als
dos coleguilles jugant amb els servers i el firewall no he pogut seguir buscant
informació i per tant de moment acabo l’article aquí.