Amagar el Linux a una IntraNet
Reading time: 1 – 2 minutes
Ha sortit a freshmeat un programilla q permet amagar el Linux a la intranet,
podria semblar la típica parida q no torna ping’s, però
està molt més currat ja q és un patch a nivell de kernel,
sembla q no ta mal… però encara no puc opinar pq no l’he provat.
La URL del site si voleu mé info és:
Si voleu la descripció q dona freshmeat del patch, aquí la
Stealth IP Stack is a kernel patch for Linux 2.2.18 which makes your machine
almost invisable on the network without impeding normal network operation. Many
denial of service attacks, such as stream, are much less effective with this
patch installed, and port scanners slow to a crawl. It works by restricting TCP
RST packets (no “Connection Refused”), restricting ICMP_UNREACH on UDP
(Prevents UDP portscans), and restricting all ICMP and IGMP requests. A sysctl
interface is used so these features can be turned on and off on the fly.