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Tag: catalan

Table about Industry 4.0 on Catalan Telecommunications day

Reading time: 3 – 4 minutes

Last Thursday I participated in a round table about Industry 4.0 as part of the Catalan Telecommunications Day, really interesting event in a very nice place. I haven’t been in Cosmo Caixa since it was called “Museu de la Ciència” a very long time ago. But I have to say that the place is very trendy and awesome.


Coming back to the event, I met some good friends and it’s always a pleasure but I also meet very interesting new people with who I’ll be happy to keep on talking and going deep on aligning synergies. One of those are i2cat people, guys we have to find the proper way to collaborate because again and again we meet each other with very compatible points of view.


About the content of my exposition I want to remark two things:

  • Firstly I think we have the debt to leadership the fourth industrial revolution, and catch up all those companies that never did the third revolution no the present. Catalonia has very powerful minds with a lot of entrepreneurs now it’s time to work together and demonstrate what we can do.
  • Secondly summarize the Fernando Trías de Bes article in “La Vanguardia”
    • In the 90s they said that Internet is going to be like another TV channel in our TVs; companies only need to create a Web page and they are ready for the future. But in the end it changed the ‘P’ of product in the marketing strategy.
    • Early 2000 e-commerce get it real and they said that it’s only another distribution channel, but finally it has been the change of two ‘P’s point of sale and price, both of them became obsolete.
    • In 2006 the revolution come through the social networks, they said only this is only personal webs instead of enterprise web; just create some accounts in those social networks and that’s all.  But ‘P’ of promotion has been redefined with new market segmentation.
    • Since 2010 smartphones sales increased dramatically and they said this is just like a mini PC, just adapt web pages and everything is done. But a lot of markets disappeared or changed deeply: photo cameras, music CDs, telephony, etc. So ‘P’ of point of sale and ‘P’ of product totally redefined. Virtual and physical experiences unified.
    •  First decade of new century Internet 2.0 has been consolidated, they said this is just web where people can participate. Companies only need to add a corner in their webpages where can discuss. ‘P’ of prices digital money and a lot of new business models.
    • Currently we talk about IoT and they say this is about adding electronics to the physical world.  Instead of that what happen is all product in a digital environment tends to be converted in a service. Again the ‘P’ of product is obsolete and has to be totally redefined.


Having that in mind IMHO we have huge opportunities within reach.

El cercador en català: que.cat

Reading time: 2 – 3 minutes

que_catLa vida dona moltes voltes, una altre prova d’això és que fa unes setmanes vaig rebre el comentari d’un dels lectors del blog informant-me que esta desenvolupant un interessant cercador de pàgines web en llengua catalana. La veritat és que no tinc el plaer de coneixen els detalls tècnics de com ho esta fent i tampoc els he sabut trobar a la xarxa. De moment les poques busquedes que hi he pogut llençar m’ha semblat:

  • ràpid
  • simple d’usar
  • simple d’interpretar els resultats
  • molt orientat als continguts en la nostre llengua

Com a tecnòleg la veritat és que convidaria al David a que via podcast o per escrit ens fes cinc cèntims de com ho esta fent per montar el cercador, si és que es pot explicar. Però anant al que comentava a l’inici de l’article, com a persona curiosa que sóc vaig arribar fins a la web de l’empresa del David (deDavid interactive) i vaig adonar-me que el seu logo em sonava moltíssim. Tan és així que vaig seguir pensant on l’havia vist abans i al cap de pocs dies em va venir al cap: a la web de Cablematic.  Potser a molts no ús sona la botiga, però jo en sóc un gran client i fa molts anys que hi compro i que hi trobo les coses més rares que puc arribar a buscar en concepte de connectors, cables, gadgets, dispositius, etc.

Així doncs, una casualitat com una altre, resulta que el David llegia el meu blog i jo era un gran usuari d’un dels seus treballs com a programador de webs. Tornant al motiu de l’article, només recomanar-vos que doneu un cop d’ull a que.cat un cercador molt jove, però que apunta maneres i esperem que arribi ben lluny. Qui sap si un dia la generalitat li podria donar tants diners com va fer en el seu dia  a Olé! 😉

makina de rentar ben parida!!

Reading time: 1 – 2 minutes


Doncs si es un màquina de rentar, que surt a engadget.com, que llegeix la empremta dela dit quan pitges o prems per engegar-la i no permet que la mateixa persona ho fagi 2 cops seguits, o ssigui que tan l’home com la dona d’una família hauran de currar igual pel que fa el tema roba!!

Qui ho hauria de dir que la tecnologia serviria algun dia per lluitar contra la discriminació.

El més bo del cas, no es l’invent, que ho és en part, sinó que l’invent surt a part de engadget i a la BBC anglesa, i quan veus la foto, et quedes frapat i cor pres, llavors segueixes el link, i veus que esta feta per un tal Pep Torres!!

Si és que els catalans trionfem des de Catalunya!!!

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